Cosmetics is a category of widely-used products that fall under Regulation (EC) n. 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009. The Regulation refers to, in particular, the aspects relative to good production practice, the composition of cosmetic products and the presentation (labeling, packaging and all forms of external representation of the product), safety evaluation, studies on animals, compliance with all the necessary documentation for the free market sale of cosmetic products and the information on severe side effects.
Considering all these aspects, we support our clients in the activities aimed to obtain the centralized European notification:
- Evaluation of the ingredients of cosmetics used in the formulation, and claims,
- Preparation and evaluation of labels,
- Evaluation of cosmetic product safety,
- Preparation of the Product Information File (PIF),
- Request of Certificates of Free sale,
- Preparation of advertising material,
- Evaluation of the claims, claims Claim
- Cosmetovigilance.